Change together with us the world for the better! Help us care and fight for freedom and help those who start from the beginning, those who have just recovered!

Become an ACTIVIST

Do what and how you want to promote the idea of fighting against modern day slavery. By raising public awareness, you contribute to set many enslaved people free.

Become a PARTNER

We understand that not everyone has the time to actively participate in such cause. We want to make it possible for you to play your part as a partner


You can be part of Light House in different ways and thus can do good. We understand that not everyone has the time to actively participate in such cause, but you may still wonder what can you do? How can you get involved? We want to make it possible for you to play your part. You can become our partner! Becoming a partner of Fundacja Light House means becoming part of our vision and equipping us to do more. To become a partner means to build big things with small things. You can do it with us!

Please, do not think that small amounts do not help.
To give a small amount every month
means that at the end of the day you gave more! 

Every support, together with others, provides great support
and therefore a great change.
Support given on monthly basis help us to plan our budget better, and be more srategic.

BUSINESS partner

Do you have a company and want to become
part of our vision? Thank you! We will be delighted!
Through your partnership you not only become part of our vision, you help this vision to sustain and grow! There a quite a few ways how you can help and become a part of very important mission together with us!

How you can help

These are a few ways you, as our business partner, can support us,
our work and the people we are providing help

Provide training to our workers and volunteers to help us save on costs of trainings, so we can use our finances for direct work.
If your business can provide us with training not listed, please feel free to contact us.

We need training in:
Social media marketing
Project managing
Working with trauma, etc.

In any kind of jobs that do not require big qualifications, or language skills. 

Many victims have nothing left except what they wear on there body. So they often need first hygiene items and fresh clothes. On the other side our office needs to function to provide help as well. You can donate:

Office equipment:
computers, laptops, camera, for taking pictures, used for website and social media, or for running workshops with mentees, simple phones often needed for our mentees, as they need to be able to be in contact with us, when go out, printing paper etc.)
Objects of every day use:
cups, pens, water bottles, that we could use to put our logo on and use to promote our organisation and raise funds)
Cosmetics (airplane versions): 
that is all sorts of cosmetics for man and women, that we need when they first arrive, for them to use in first 48 hrs. Later, usually we want to take them for shopping and let them decide for themselves what they want to use (see point below)
Supermarket gift cards and vouchers:
one of the first thing we need to do when new person arrives is to go shopping! We are not able to store all possible needed clothes, in many sizes, for all kind of (Polish!) weather. The best way is to go to supermarkets, where clothes, cosmetics are not very expensive, and then you can buy most urguent things there, at one place. This way we give this person a choice – something she/he did not have for years, sometimes never in life. Choice to decide what am I gonna wear, what style, what colour. What smell my cosmetics will have. Shopping is a very important part of therapy – making right choice, manage limited amount of money is something we all had to learn at some point. People we help, have lost their ability to do it, because of many years of abuse. Our role is to help them to be able to do it again!
towels, toothbrushes, haircalmers, underwear and basic cosmetics. All for hygienic reasons naturally. All these products are very needed and very welcomed!
needed to help those seeking help. We are organising few points in Poland, where victims can receive shelter. We need beds, bed linens, towels, blankets, hair dryers, kitchen equipment, washmashines, small fridges, chairs, small tables, lapms
to help with transportation, and sport activity
General medical care: ictims of trafficking often for long time have been pushing their body too hard, abusing natural resources, and using natural strenght to limits. Many times they suffer from sexually or blood transmitted deseases. In many cases, no one, never really took care of their health! They need to be provided with regular general health check, and helped to regain their health and strenght. If you can provide medical consultations, medical tests or private health care package as a business owner, we would love to partner with you!
Dental care:
most trafficked victims are malnutrished, or lost their teeth when were beaten, or as a result of abusing drugs, they were forced to take. Many times taken even to private health clinics, we see looks on doctors or staff faces. We have no chance to explain… or we don’t want them to know… how this person is taken care of with this delicate, and such important aspect of their health and look, determines the proces of regaining their dignity. We need wise and kind partners
for providing our mentees with new, refreshed look – it helps so much emotionally, to start new! Especially for women, who have used their hair to charm the men, they were serving – cutting them or changing colour, helps to forget the past, helps to avoid flashbacks of bad memmories
Beauty treatment:
beauty is so important for women! And after traumatic experiences, they are ashamed of how they look. You can help them to take care of their natural beauty, so they have more confidence in how they look, with make up or without. Nails, like hair, are important for every woman. Good looking hands, help them gain more of self confidence
Relaxation treatments:
like spa, massages, music therapy – that is one of ways for all of us to relax, especially for those after traumatic experiences
Hollidays and tours:
Trafficked victims, and those who were hurt by any crimes, often hide at home or shelter for very long time. All they did think about was fear and pain, emotional, ooften physical. Many of victims have been kept in brothels for months, or years. Many of them have never seen a sea! They have never reached mountain top an joy related to it! They often do not know, they could dream going to places like that, because they do not know they do exist and how beautiful they can be! You can help us to build new memories in them, to teach them to dream for right things, to rest in right way!
Sport carnets:
the best way of releasing stress is to sweat it out! Get positively tired moves your mind away from problems of the past for a moment. Helps your body to release tension collected for long time of fear. Swimming pool, aerobic, gym – that can help so much!
Talk to us about your business partners and help other companies support us.
We will gladly provide you with brochures, just contact us for more information
And naturally, you can think about tax deduction when you count your business costs,
and at the same time become our socially responsible business partner.

Contact us for more information or just simply donate us monthly with any sum you think is appropriate
Your support is as much important as our work!
Bank account:
PL69 2490 0005 0000 4600 3662 8809


Do you want to support us and our vision with your church but you do not  know how?

Our team, is grateful for every prayer. Pray as a church for us, for the victims, but also for those who commit crimes. We recognise that prayer is very powerful weapon. 
For example, you can pray each week on your prayer night or in your prayer groups for our ministry. If you need direction in what to specifically pray for, please contact us.

As a community you also can raise a sum of money every month to support our work. One-time finantial support is also most welcomed and helpful. 

If you would like to become our partner and support us in a different way, please contact or click the button below to check some ideas how you can also help


INVITE US for a lecture

We are happy to respond to the invitations of people and institutions that would like us to train the group indicated by them.


We are building a network of professionals and individuals, who step by step, are changing the world.


We are building a network of professionals and individuals, who step by step, are changing the world.