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Gerne folgen wir den Einladungen von Personen und Institutionen, die von uns eine Schulung der von ihnen angegebenen Gruppe wünschen.

Wir wissen, dass der Aufklärungsbedarf zum Thema Menschenhandel enorm ist, weshalb wir gerne auf die Einladungen von Personen und Institutionen reagieren, die von uns eine Schulung der von ihnen genannten Gruppe wünschen.

Wir bieten Vorträge für:

Schulen auf allen Ebenen und Typen


Lehrer und Pädagogen

Eltern und Erziehungsberechtigte

Pastoren und Leiter von Gemeinden


Mitarbeiter von Notruftelefonen, Arbeitsämtern und Sozialhilfe

Teams der Bundesländer 
zur Bekämpfung des Menschenhandels

und mehr!

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Wir wissen, dass der Aufklärungsbedarf zum Thema Menschenhandel enorm ist, weshalb wir gerne auf die Einladungen von Personen und Institutionen reagieren, die von uns eine Schulung der von ihnen genannten Gruppe wünschen.

Wir bieten Vorträge für:

We often hear the opinion of the school management, pedagogues or teachers that it is pointless to discuss the subject of trafficking in primary schools because ‘it does not affect them yet’. We are sorry to inform you that this is a huge mistake! Young people, even younger than 12, are very attractive in the context of the opportunity to recruit them, to a large extent it concerns young, maturing girls. The abduction of children for the purpose of prostitution by pedophiles is also a terrible fact. We have to face the truth that teenage children reach for the first cigarettes and the first alcohol, go to the first parties to friends, where often people who are much older than them often abuse credulity and ease of intimidation of teenagers. This is where the first drugs often appear. It is in these circumstances that there are disappearances, rapes and abductions. We are not able to stop the youth, but we are able to prepare them for these challenges. The youngest person whom we provided with help at the time of the event was 14 years old!

Of course, for every age group we try to approach adequately their age and emotional sensitivity.

We also offer classes in the field of bullying at school, that is, violence used by the group. This topic is addressed as prevention of alienation and exclusion in the peer group, as one of the factors increasing the risk in the context of becoming a victim of human trafficking or cyberbullying.

Young people in this age group are more and more focused on thinking about the future. Often this is associated with crossing the age threshold and a strong desire to feel a sense of peretration in their lives. They are already planning their first independent trips abroad, they are making their first jobs, looking for opportunities to develop and build their future careers. Our experience in working with this age group shows that over 50% of these students think about going to work abroad. Over 80% do not know how to verify whether the intermediary in the organization of departure or employment is legally registered. About 90% of them do not know the basic safety rules when leaving for work abroad! Trafficking in human beings is still associated with slavery of Christopher Columbus times, or possibly with Africa. At best, they associate this threat with the use of women in prostitution, but this is only a small percentage.

Students are a unique group. On the one hand, very aware, on the other hand courageous and hungry for adventure, hungry to actively create their future. Among the students, we meet people who are already very aware of the subject, half conscious or not at all, which is just like in the general group of adults. However, because it is a group of still unstable life, open to experiments, adventures, raising funds for the so-called start in life, it is a high-risk group, as well as a group with a huge potential to counteract the phenomenon and authentic, conscious change of reality around them.

Also, for our part, we are happy to conduct meetings with students – and to broaden their awareness, but also to create a space for self-development, development, and involvement in social activities.

We offer lectures and trainings for teachers and educators as those who know best how young people work in a group, outside the home. They, next to parents, next to the peer group, have the greatest impact on shaping social awareness and threats around them. They, often like their parents, are most interested in the safety of young people and their good start in the future. It is them who in everyday teaching are able to incorporate content that helps young people to take safe actions, to make the right decisions and to create a healthy level of distrust for third parties in various types of relationships and contacts. Their knowledge of the threat of trafficking in human beings, especially in the context of the use of young people in forced labor and prostitution, may be crucial in preparing their students to enter their adult, professional life.

Churches, church groups, religious groups, youth groups, prayer groups, are places where people seek help and support. These are places where the victim of violence or crime may first seek help before he or she reaches the law enforcement or therapist. Priests are people who, despite various discussions and controversies, have great social confidence. Often just a lot bigger than anyone when it comes to a crisis situation. Victims often do not know who else to go to for help. People who are at risk often first seek advice and suport in the church. It is to those who provide spiritual help for others that we offer workshops and trainings to equip them even better to provide that help.

We do not have to explain the role of parents and guardians to anyone. If you want to organize workshops for parents of children of different age groups, we are at your disposal. In the age of the Internet, social networks and publicizing our private lives, we must be aware of how to protect ourselves and our children, so that someone inappropriately does not use the available photos and information.

We offer trainings and workshops for employees of institutions that provide assistance to the public. These employees may be in contact with a trafficked person at any time and need to be equipped with practical knowledge of the possibilities of assistance offered, algorithms for providing assistance to the victim by law enforcement agencies, but also knowledge of a psychological approach to a victim of human trafficking.

We run workshops and trainings for law enforcement officers, police, border guards and prosecutors, in the field of work with a victim of human trafficking and providing support in a crisis situation. For more information, please contact us.

We offer trainings and workshops for employees of institutions that provide help, as well as administration employees who are part of the Provincial Teams for Counteracting Trafficking in Human Beings. These employees may be in contact with a trafficked person at any time and need to be equipped with practical knowledge of the possibilities of assistance offered, algorithms for providing assistance to the victim by law enforcement agencies, but also knowledge of a psychological approach to a victim of human trafficking. During the trainings, we share our experience regarding the importance of cooperation between institutions and organizations within the Team.